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Eco Plastic Products


18 Germay Drive  Wilmington DE 19804



Vol. 4; Issue 2

Check Out ECOP’S  New FACEBOOK & FACEBOOK Group Pages!!!

We have a new revitalized Facebook page, so please “LIKE” and “FOLLOW” us!

Click this link > ECOP Facebook

We invite you to join our new Facebook discussion group called

Plastic - Culture, Community and Sustainability

Eco Plastic Products hopes that this group will foster community involvement with our natural environment, connecting neighbors to each other while making better sustainable decisions in how all of us live with plastic.

Please become a member. Click Here to Join
We are looking forward to your thoughts in the group!

ECOP needs a vacuum cleaner to keep our break room & facility clean and looking great!

To donate, or for more info, email us at


Saturday April 22, 2023

12PM-4PM at 18

Germay Drive – Wilmington, DE 19804


•       Join your ECOP friends for a fantastic Family Fun Day.

•      The Schedule of Events will arrive in your Inbox soon.

•      Presentations include beekeeping, electric cars, CSAs,

         agriculture, composting, and County Executive Matt Meyer.

•      Live Music with Jim Kelley & Shelley Kelley @ 2:30PM.

•      Bring your refillable water bottles.

•      Take $5 Selfies with Seamus, proceeds go to Faithful Friends.

Cheryl Carey is our new Office Manager!


Cheryl joined ECOP in March 2023, and comes from the accounting, legal, and hospitality backgrounds. She has had a life-long interest in recycling. Cheryl likes to sew, and made custom masks during COVID. Her daughter Rachel is an ECOP Volunteer as well.

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